Sharing a little secret with y’all this morning! A super scandalous secret! Not really, but every time someone leaves a comment on Instagram that they love my hair, I truly feel like Kylie Jenner when she was telling the world that she was just over lining her lips when she really got fillers. Any guesses yet? I’ve been wearing tape-in extensions since last November due to a haaayuuuuge hair catastrophe (my hair was turned purple by a toner being left on too long and it went through the ringer to get back to blonde) and they have been lifesavers in the pursuit of growing out my hair. Jenna Deao, my sweet friend and coworker, uses Bombshell Extensions which is what’s in my hair and I couldn’t be happier with how they have held up. I definitely think it’s a combination of the quality and the products I’ve used over the past couple of months that I owe to the 3 inches my real hair has grown as well as the extensions staying silky smooth.
Once my hair literally died and the ends were as crispy as McDonald’s French fries, I knew that I needed to get a fresh hair cut and a new shampoo and conditioner that would allow me to go days without washing my hair! Letting your natural oils sit on your hair is the BEST remedy for damaged hair. With this shampoo and conditioner, my hair and my extensions have never felt better. I can go 5 days without washing my hair with this magical combo. I know some of you are saying to yourself that there’s no way you could do that because you have to wash your hair everyday because a) it’s just your routine and/or b) your hair is super oily. If you’re washing your hair everyday, STOP. Your hair is getting overly oily because you’re stripping the natural oils from your scalp, which is making your body produce more oil to compensate for the lack there of. I’m telling you, I’m not making this shiz up. AND if you’re washing your hair everyday, there’s a good chance your hair is dry. And if your hair is really dry, you probably have a lot of breakage and you’re unable to grow your hair out. It’s truly a domino effect! So stahp with the nonsense and get in to a routine of letting your hair be all naturale. I promise that your hair will start to adjust and balance out, just give it time!
Since I only wash my hair 1-2 times a week, I try to keep putting heat on my hair to a minimum. I’ll blow dry my hair with this and a blow out balm to smooth out my frizz and then curl with this and this interchangeable barrel! I’m not sure what I ever did without this curling iron but I do know now that I can’t live without it! The less heat, the less damage and that’s the goal when you’re trying to let your hair grow and in my case, keep my tape-ins looking healthy. The extensions hold a curl really well so I don’t really have to touch them up during the week and once they start to loose their bounce, I throw my hair up in a bun!
It has taken me a minute to figure out how to keep my hair clean looking without frequently washing it. I definitely couldn’t do it without this and this. This dry shampoo doesn’t leave a residue, absorbs oils and sweat, and it leaves a clean scent. I CAN’T STAND IT when a dry shampoo leaves a gross, powdery residue in your hair and this one literally disappears in your hair. I like to use this at night to keep from getting crazy bed head. It’s like an overnight, leave-in conditioner but not oily!
So there ya have it, my friends. You now know that I wear extensions and I only wash my hair about every 5 days. What secret of mine do you want to know next?
August 22, 2017 at 8:01 pmI’ve been super interested in tape ins! What is the cost/upkeep
HaileyKailey Nouis
August 26, 2017 at 8:52 pmIt varies upon the hairstylist! Mine cost $400 total (hair + putting them in) and it’s $75 to get them moved up every 6-8 weeks! Shop around, everyone prices it out differently! 🙂