The Best Statement Earrings

Double Shot of Sass | The Best Statement EarringsDouble Shot of Sass | The Best Statement EarringsDouble Shot of Sass | The Best Statement Earrings


Happy Wednesday, lovelies! To all who have been following my journey on finding a cure for my dry under eyes…I have found a solution. Over 200 of our followers gave me suggestions on what to do for my horrible situation. I’m talking cracked, peeling, painful, dry eyes. It was awful. It sounds like I’m crying about a terminal illness (we all know I’m slightly dramatic) but it truly was ruining my life! Many of you suggested a prescription steroid cream and coconut oil. So, I did just that. My mom had a steroid cream from a burn she had and I slathered that and coconut oil all over my eyes and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning IT WAS COMPLETELY GONE. PRAISE JESUS. HALLELUJAH. I wouldn’t wish dry under eyes on my worst enemy. I will say the steroid cream kind of discolored my face for a day, and thankfully it went back to normal within 24 hours. Y’all, I hope I never have to deal with that again.

Now to the real reason for this post! I’m not a big accessorizer. I have my staple pieces that I wear everyday like my ring and bangle. Mostly because I’m running late and that leaves me little time to perfectly pick out accessories to go with my outfits. BUT. I always have  fun earrings on! Statement earrings have always been my go-to. I get it from my Nana, she loves to wear a sassy pair of earrings to spice up her outfits. Whether you’re running errands, going to work, or out for date night, throw on a pair of fun statement earrings and you instantly look put together! They’re always my saving grace when I didn’t put much thought in to an outfit! I’ve rounded up my favorites! The turquoise Kendra Scott’s are giving me major heart eyes! Which one is yours?!


X, Hailey & Kailey


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X, Hailey & Kailey